International Day of the Family was celebrated at the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS

On May 6, 2021, the Women’s Council of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS held an event dedicated to the International Day of the Family. Chairman of the Council, Professor Hagigat Javadova said that International Day of the Family is celebrated annually on May 15. This date was announced by the UN General Assembly in 1993 and heralds the attention and concern of the international community for families.
The chairman of the council stressed that the family has always been considered the most sacred cornerstone of our society in Azerbaijan: “In other words, the family has always been considered sacred in the Azerbaijani society. Today in our country the family, as the nucleus of society, is under the special protection of the state, and the state in its policy is based on social protection of the family, care for young families. All this proves once again that the family is always sacred for the Azerbaijani state and Azerbaijani society. Our state has confirmed the inviolability of the family, which is a key attribute of society, taking care of the well-being of the family. ”
The head of the laboratory, Minakhanym Musaeva and others, also spoke at the event, they shared their views on the importance of the International Day of the Family.