Karabakh Armenians face two choices

One of the highlights of the interview of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr.Ilham Aliyev, to Euronews TV is related to his recommendations to the Armenians living in the mountainous part of Karabakh as a community. On the one hand, these humanistic ideas give them a choice, but on the other hand, they are the last warning for them to draw conclusions from what has happened. They should be well aware of one thing, that despite the fact that they evicted the Azerbaijanis, who are the real owners of the land, from their native places and brought them only disasters, the leader of this people wants them to continue to live in places where they came without an invitation. Neither the people nor the leader of any country in the world would have shown such humanity. Every people and nation would not hesitate to appreciate such a generous opportunity, they would not go after their so-called leaders who deceived them with their lies. At this point, it is appropriate to mention “The Turtle and the Scorpion”, one of our instructive parables, which is still relevant today. Because wise proverbs and fairy tales with unexpected endings can have a deeper impact on our notorious Armenian neighbors than if we could convince these fools with clever thoughts and quotes:
One day a scorpion asks a turtle to take him across the river. The turtle refuses, but the scorpion manages to persuade her. “All right,” the turtle agrees, “but promise me you won’t sting me.” The scorpion promises not to sting the turtle. The turtle then puts the scorpion on its back and carries it across the river. The scorpion remains calm all the way, but before crossing the river, it stings the turtle. Have you ever felt ashamed, scorpion? After all, you promised me that you would not sting me! turtle screams. – So what? the scorpion says coldly. – Turtle says angrily: – How unfair, I fell into this source of trouble because of you, I threw myself into this sea of ​​disaster, you know neither gratitude nor blessing. Don’t say thank you, well, to hell with you. At least sit still and do not sting! In response, the scorpion says: – Your nature is such that you help everyone, and mine is such that I sting everyone. I did what I always do, I stung you! Hearing this, the tortoise says: “But it’s in my nature to drown in water.” She immediately rolls over onto her back and swims into the depths of the water, the scorpion immediately slides off and drowns.
Afsun Sujayev
NAP Board member