Newly developed CPAP System provides a cost-effective respiratory device for COVID patients

In an attempt to make breathing devices available to low-income and isolated areas, scientists have developed the LeVe CPAP System for respiratory support to treat COVID patients with tests showing promising results. Making respiratory support more available to support COVID patients

The surge of COVID-19 infections in low- and middle-income countries requires alternative strategies to those implemented in wealthier nations.

In response, the World Health Organisation is encouraging the development of low-cost breathing aids easily deployable in poorer-resourced healthcare systems.  For that to be possible, the devices must operate with low-pressure oxygen systems.

Contrasting to richer nations, clinical facilities in poorer settings may not have a centralized oxygen supply, which provides a steady supply of oxygen cylinders, and is a critical tool in the treatment of COVID infection.

In a new study published in the journal Frontiers in Medical Technology, a team of researchers has designed the continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP, device, to provide respiratory support for mild and severe cases of COVID.

The device was developed by a team of scientists, engineers, and doctors based at the University of Leeds, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Medical Aid International, and the Mengo Hospital in Uganda.