Scientific-technical cooperation has been dicussed at the Institute of Chemistry of Additives


On October 30, 2019, the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of Azerbaijan  National Academy of Sciences held a meeting with the Deputy General Director and Chief Designer of the Kharkov Transport Engineering Plant A.N.Malakey and E.N.Ovcharova. Director of the Institute academician V.Farzaliyev addressed the guests with a welcoming speech and told about the history of this meeting.

It turned out that in the Soviet times, at the request of the defense-industrial complex of the USSR, the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS developed М-16ИХП-3 special oil for specialized equipment produced by the plant and organized its production within the framework of scientific-technical cooperation with the plant.

Due to this situation, the Institute of Chemistry of Additives offered  the plant to continue cooperation in the development and application of new motor oils of type М-16ИХП-3 for special purpose diesel engines. The plant accepted the offer of the Institute and stressed the importance of such cooperation. Two management employees of the plant were assigned to ANAS to discuss scientific-technical cooperation between the two entities.

At the meeting which created favorable conditions for fruitful cooperation, academician Farzaliyev told the guests about the Institute’s opportunities, as well as about scientific research carried out in each laboratory. At the end he expressed hope for the mutually beneficial cooperation.