Successful activity of young scientists of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS


Today at acad.A.Guliyev Institute of Chemistry of Additives of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences there has been held Academic Council. Presenting annual report by Council of Young Scientists and Specialists for 2019 year, Associate Professor Afsun Sujayev noted that his organization worked according to the plan for 2019. During the repot period 2 competitions were organized and held “Academician Ali Guliyev Prize” and “The Best Report”. The second competition, the aim of which is involvement of young scientists, dissertators and doctoral students into science,   was dedicated to the 96th Anniversary of the national leader Heydar Aliyev. As a result of competition winners  were  selected and awarded diplomas and prizes. At the same time a young scientist was awarded “Academician Ali Guliyev Prize”.

At the institute there was organized “The Opening Day”: a group of 20 people – teachers and pupils from the Caspi Education Center visited the institute and was acquainted with the modern equipment at laboratories. Schoolchildren were shown fascinating chemical experiments.

At the same time a group of pupils from Azerbaijan-British college made an excursion to ICA. The guests were informed about the history of the Institute, research areas, highly training highly  qualified. They visited several laboratories of the Institute “Corrosion Inhibitors”, “Physical and Chemical Analysis” and “Thin Organic Synthesis” and acquainted with the modern equipment used their.