The ICA employee’s project wins the grant competition


The IV grant competition of young scientists and specialists (“My first grant”), organized by the Science Development Fund under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan jointly with the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Azerbaijan, has been completed.

One of the most successful projects is the project  titled “Computer synthesis of multifunctional additives and bioactive substances acting against pathological processes and investigation of their effect on immune defense systems in living organisms”, led by the junior research assistant of the Institute of Chemistry  of Additive of ANAS, doctoral candidate Khadidja Mamedyarova. This fundamental and applied research will be conducted jointly with the Institute of Physiology during the year.

The aim of the project is the synthesis of new highly effective multifunctional additives for lubricants in accordance with the profile of the ICA. At the same time, these substances will be studied as physiologically active substances. The Institute of Physiology will study the effect of new additives on functional properties and immune defense systems.

Within the framework of the project, one employee of the ICA will have a short-term internship at the Ataturk University in Turkey.