The Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS discussed the improvement of the structure and optimization of management


A regular meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) has been held. Speaking at the meeting devoted to the discussion of issues provided  by the Decree of the Presidium of ANAS  “On improving the structure and optimization of management at ANAS”, the director of the institute, academician Vagif Farzaliyev said that the new decision attached  importance to carrying out fundamental reforms in the field of structural changes, bringing directions in line with modern requirements, compliance with the effectiveness of science, national and state interests, staffing and other areas: “It was decided to take a number of measures to improve the structure and management of scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS. So, after that, conducting fundamental research aimed at detecting a new event or effect, discovering patterns; implementation of fundamental scientific research mainly based on international knowledge in accordance with modern world practice; implementation of practical research aimed at the acquisition of certain substances and systems of materials, the study of their properties, the creation of new technologies; orientation of fundamental and practical research to real social, economic, political and military needs of the country will be main directions of activity of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives, as well as other scientific institutions.”

He noted that the new solution  would  provide for the management of scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS through the General Director and Executive Director. At the same time, an innovation manager will appear in scientific institutions to achieve flexible application of the obtained innovative scientific results in the field of social activities and production. It is planned to create research and production associations at the level of modern requirements for the primary application of scientific results obtained by our scientists.

According to the academician, a serious check of the scientific orientation of the existing laboratories and departments, which traditionally operate at the Institute of Chemistry of Additives, will be carried out, after determining their effectiveness, they will continue their activities, those that do not meet the requirements will be merged or liquidated or reorganized.

V.Farzaliyev currently evaluates the activities of scientists working at the institute, and the main criteria are the effectiveness of their scientific, scientific and technical activities, the publication of results in highly rated scientific journals, links, applications, patents and other indicators. The new solution also provides for the certification of researchers based on modern requirements.

Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the Institute, Dr.Chem.Sci., Associate Professor A.Sujayev, Scientific Secretary, Ph.D. in Chemistry M.Safarova, heads of laboratories, Dr.Tec.Sci.,Professor  H.Javadova, Dr.Chem.Sci, Professor P.Mammadova and senior researcher, Dr.Tec.Sci., Associate Professor E. Nagiyeva expressed their opinion on the issues raised.