A preliminary discussion of theses of second-year masters studying at the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences took place. The meeting, held in accordance with the pandemicthe conditions was attended by members of the commission for master’s protection: deputy director for scientific work of the institute, Dr.Sci.in Chem., Associate Professor Afsun Sujayev, scientific secretary, Ph.D. in Chem. Mehpara Safarova, Head of the Department of Education, Ph.D. in Chem. Sadagat Shamkhalova, Leading Researcher of Laboratory of Corrosion Inhibitors, Ph.D. in Chem. Vali Kazimov and senior researcher of the same laboratory, Ph.D. in Chem. Sabiya Osmanova, as well as scientific leaders and employees of the corresponding laboratories.
At the meeting, the theses of second-year masters in the specialty “Organic Chemistry” Gulgun Abdullayeva and Leyla Vahidzadeh, who successfully completed research and scientific-pedagogical practice in the 2020/2021 academic year, were discussed in detail.
The undergraduates presented their theses and spoke in detail about their research and important results obtained. Discussions were held on the topic, and young researchers answered the questions asked to them.
As a result, it was considered expedient to submit master’s theses for the main defense.