Unexpected way to protect brain from aging


The international group of scientists has discovered that intestinal bacteria support the formation of new brain nerve cells of an adult, which can potentially prevent memory loss in old age and regenerate nervous tissues after injury. An unexpected way to protect the brain is called a press release on MedicalXpress.

Intestinal bacteria, which metabolize an indispensable amino acid tryptophan, isolated indole molecules, which stimulate the development of new brain cells in adults. Indoluted signals induced key regulatory factors necessary for the formation of new adult neurons in hippocampus – a brain area associated with memory and learning.

According to the authors of the work, they are currently evaluated whether indoles can also stimulate the early formation of neurons during the development of the brain. The results of the study will help to develop new options for anti-aging therapy, which slows down the loss of memory, which is a common problem in aging and neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease. These include drugs that imitate the effect of indoles, to stimulate the production of new neurons in the hippocampus or to replace neurons damaged as a result of a stroke or spine injury.
