The scientist of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS is awarded a certificate


Expert activity of the Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the Institute of Chemistry of Additives of ANAS, Doctor of Science in Chemistry, Associate Professor Afsun Sujayev in the “Journal of Organometallic Chemistry” is awarded a certificate. He has been collaborating with the journal since 2020. Being one of the journal’s expert, he regularly evaluates articles on fine organic synthesis and their functional properties.

The Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, published by Elsevier, one of the world’s leading publishers, is part of the Web of Science database. Each issue of the journal publishes original works related to the important and topical theoretical issues of chemistry, structural chemistry, synthesis, physical and chemical properties (reaction mechanisms) and the practical application of organic metal compounds. To cover areas of important research on organometallic complexes in chemistry of bioorganic metals and materials science, as well as heavier basic group elements in organometallic chemistry, the journal’s scope has been expanded. The journal publishes individual articles, brief information and notes. The impact factor of the journal is 2.304.